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One of the most common misconceptions we heard throughout our provincial consultations was that LGBTQ newcomers do not exist, and there is therefore no need for LGBTQ-inclusive settlement services.
From others, we were told there is little understanding about how settlement issues are experienced differently by LGBTQ newcomers. Finally, we heard that queer and trans colleagues working in the settlement sector do not feel safe or fully supported in their workplaces. The invisibility and silencing of LGBTQ peoples daily lived experience was further bolstered by very little formal documentation of LGBTQ newcomers and settlement service providers in Ontario. It was in this context that the need for this research emerged.
There were respondents with diverse gender and sexual identities, cultural and religious backgrounds, and migration experience, from all across Ontario including the north, urban, rural and suburban cities, towns and boarder towns. They ranged in age from 16-60 and were from Africa, the Caribbean, East Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America and the Middle East and South Asia.
Click the pictures below to read or watch some of the stories.