Educational Resources

Réflexion sur l'approche de sécurisation culturelle dans le secteur d'établissement

Nos panelistes, Javi Fuentes Bernal, Laurent Francis Ngoumou, et Jean Francois Chachou partagent leurs expériences vécues en tant que 2SLGBTQIA+ dans le processus d'immigration au Canada, abordant des problèmes urgents locaux et mondiaux. Ce forum vise à partager des bonnes pratiques et développer des stratégies concrètes pour améliorer la sécurisation culturelle au sein des services d'établissement avec un vue critique et complexe.

Expliquer la diversité 2SLGBTQIA+ en milieu scolaire

 Ce webinar qui a eu lieu le 5 décembre 2024, poursuive une discussion sur l'impact des récentes lois transphobes dans plusieurs provinces canadiennes ainsi que les mouvements transphobe et homophobe de l’extreme droite en Ontario sur les jeunes.

How the Global is Local: An International Student Solidarity Webinar

On September 25, 2024, OCASI PSI hosted a webinar with three incredible international student activists in our community who educated us about how student movements have historically played, presently play, and will continue to play pivotal roles in social progress. Watch here!

Our Histories Are Queer A Resource of Queer and Trans South Asian Histories

A resource for queer and trans South Asians, reclaiming histories of acceptance, love, and reverence. The resource is to understand our histories, to understand what our queer and trans ancestors looked like. It aims to affirm queer and trans South Asians and their indigenous histories. It’s to understand that being queer and trans is not a “white person thing”; it is, in fact, something that is indigenous to South Asian communities. The histories and identities discussed in this resource are not exclusionary. This is the first attempt at understanding these histories from afar through some resources available.

Queers et trans contre le pinkwashing

L'infographie « Queer et trans contre le pinkwashing » est une ressource informative créer par Mubaadarat (Montréal) pour résister aux récits de pinkwashing qui utilisent les droits humains LGBTQ+ comme couverture de la violence et de l'occupation coloniale. Cette ressource est également disponible en anglais et en arabe.

Toward an Ace- and Aro-Friendly Society: Reconstructing the Sexual Orientation Paradigm

A chapter extracted from a book and adopting the style of the manifesto, CJ DeLuzio Chasin examines how the historical establishment of the concept of sexual orientation needs to be undone in order to move toward what the author describes as a truly ace- and aro-friendly society. Of note, such a society is intersectional and abolitionist in its figuration: it must also be anti-ableist, antisanist, anti-racist, and anti-colonialist.

GenderFail, A Decade of Queer and Trans Liberatory Writings

Please Note: This is based on the honor system. Below will be a link with the file. If you are low income QTBIPOC you may download the PDF for free. Everyone else please pay what you can with the sliding scale options! Thanks for you support of GenderFail!

Digital Download can be accessed with the link here:

GenderFail, A Decade of Queer and Trans Liberatory Writings is an anthology publication featuring 20 essays spanning a decade of work by GenderFail Press. These 324 pages encompass the best of our ongoing work. If you are new to GenderFail this is the perfect publication to start to explore our work.

At the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic we released our first GenderFail Reader. This first edition compiled essays from previously published zines and other written essays by Be Oakley and their partner Yvonne LeBien. In the last three years they have published four volumes of their GenderFail Reader series. This book is a capstone of all four volumes, including essays, artworks and ideas that have helped to formulate GenderFail during the last 10 years of the project. These essays speak to the interests, research and passions that drive GenderFail and highlight the powerful agency behind self and small publishing. Their hope is that these essays inspire you to future actions, dreams, hopes and new worlds that center people and communities fighting for a world without colonialism, white supremacy, capitalism, ableism and heteronormative oppression.

Download Flyer - "What's Going On In Ontario Schools"

This flyer offers a summary of a joint OCASI PSI and ACAS (Asian Community AIDS Services) event entitled "What's Goin On in Ontario Schools?". This resource addresses concerns within newcomer communities around 2SLGBTQIA+ policies in schools. The speakers from the virtual event (watch the recording here) were Christine Hsu, Narina Nagra, Alice Te, and gitanjali lena.

Transphobia, Homophobia; Newcomer Perspectives

As a follow up to our webinar "What's Going On in Ontario Schools", hosted in partnership with ACAS, OCASI PSI welcomed three wonderful speakers on March 21 to continue discussing the impact of recent transphobic legislation in several Canadian provinces, and how to support queer/trans people in our communities in the midst of transphobia and homophobia. Allos Abis, Noon Ghunna, and Beverly Bain offer important insights on sociopolitical dynamics between newcomer communities and the far-right effort to garner support for transphobic and homophobic legislation and policies. They also present perspectives that consider the bigger picture of transphobia and homophobia within and surrounding newcomer communities.