Last month, OCASI PSI and ACAS (Asian Community AIDS Services) hosted a webinar called "What's Going On in Ontario Schools", where we addressed concerns within newcomer communities, including common myths, around 2SLGBTQIA+ policies in schools.
OCASI-PSI is honoured to collaborate on this community outreach workshop that invites 2SLGBTQIA+ newcomers, refugees, and allies to explore questions of identity and belonging through the medium of drag performance.
OCASI-PSI is excited to attend the Queering GBV Prevention and Intervention webinar series, co-organized by Wisdom2Action & the CWF and contribute to this important discussion.
Happy February all. Please see the February 2022 Rainbow Connect LGBTQ+ Program Calendar at The Neighbourhood Group (TNG). They have great events lined up for February, Black History Month.
The Rainbow Coalition for Refuge and the Centre for Newcomers would like to invite you to Surviving to Thriving: A National Gathering to enhance justice, equity and belonging of LGBTQI newcomers.